Quantum Circle Summit

Thursday 14 November 2024
Sparks Brussels



Thursday 14 November 2024
Sparks Brussels

For the first time In Belgian history, all key stakeholders, connected to the quantum ecosystem will gather on a historical location In Brussels.

More than 200 international and Belgian quantum enthusiasts and experts from all industries will discuss long-term horizon views on the evolution of quantum-based technologies, practical use cases and business applications.

Cross-domain experts will share perspective on required enablers to accelerate the exploration, education and adoption of quantum technology in our country. Our purpose is to develop strategies for a visionary investment landscape, onwards commercial momentum with societal impact.

Let’s meet the future!

Why participate?

  • Listen to inspiring keynotes, sharing experiences
  • Learn from 9 panelists with differing perspectives on a global outlook and Belgian state of play
  • Embark with us on our Quantum Circle adventure
  • Connect with 220 likeminded quantum enthusiasts & experts
  • Contribute to the acceleration of quantum exploration & adoption In Belgium



Welcome coffee


Keynote: Global quantum outlook
A bird’s eye view on the future of quantum technology Transformation

  • Julian Van Velzen, CTIO & Quantum Lab lead, Capgemini


Panel 1: Worldwide technology innovation
4 global technology experts reveal latest applications

  • John Walsh, CTO, Fujitsu

  • Maarit Palo, Quantum Strategic Partnerships, IBM

  • Alexandra Paul, Global Public Policy Lead, Pasqal

  • Azfar Aslam, VP & CTO Europe Network infrastructure, Nokia

  • Moderator: Hanna Engel, Cloud Solution Specialist, Azelis


Quantum Circle community insights
Explainer on our purpose to accelerate quantum development in Belgium

  • Jan Sonck, Quantum Ecosystem Manager


Panel 2: Belgian state of play
5 cross-domain executives share perspective on the Belgian landscape

  • Danielle Jacobs CEO, Beltug
  • Dirk Haex, CEO, Belnet
  • Kristiaan De Greve, Fellow, Program Director Quantum, Imec

  • Jack Hamande, General Director Digital, BOSA
  • Peggy Valcke, Executive Board Member, BIPT
  • Moderator: Eric Michiels, Quantum Ambassador, IBM


Networking drink
Interact with likeminded corporate end users from all industries, our public sector, Belgian startups, global technology providers, our best researchers, Belgian and EU policy makers and political leaders … all with a heart for quantum innovation.


End of the event


Julian Van Velzen

CTIO & Quantum Lab lead Capgemini 

John Walsh

CTO Fujitsu

Maarit Palo

Quantum Strategic Partnerships IBM

Hanna Engel

Cloud Solution Specialist Azelis

Jan Sonck

Quantum Ecosystem Manager

Danielle Jacobs

CEO Beltug

Dirk Haex

CEO Belnet

Kristiaan De Greve

Fellow, Program Director Quantum imec

Jack Hamande

General Director Digital BOSA

Peggy Valcke

Executive Board Member BIPT

Eric Michiels

Quantum Ambassador IBM

Venue: Sparks Brussels

  • A purpose-built meeting environment, right in the historic center of Brussels

  • Classified and beautifully refurbished building

  • Networking & theatre facilities for 230 guests

  • Unique “back to the future” experience!
  • 2 minutes’ walk from Brussel Central Station, very close to public parking spaces

Sparks Brussels

How to get there?

  • Bike
    • Parking at 39 Cantersteen street upon inscription

  • Domestic and International Access
    • North Station: 5 min by public transport
    • Midi Station: 5 min by public transport
    • Zaventem Airport: 20 min by car & 25 min by public transport
  • Regional and Local Access
    • Bus (STIB 29, 38, 63, 65, 66, 71, 86): Central Station | 1 min walking distance
    • Tram (92, 93): Palais | 5 min walking distance
    • Tram (3, 4, 32): Bourse | 10 min walking distance
    • Metro (1, 5): Central Station | 1 min walking distance
  • Car
    • Interparking Albertine

Connect with

our members

Connect with
our members

  • Our members represent 60+ organizations coming from various industries
  • Belgian federal & regional level public institutions + local & EU policy makers
  • Our Belgian research & academics ecosystem
  • Quantum technology providers are open to discuss their innovations
  • Technology & business federations show continuous support to our initiative

Register for the event

Price: €99.00/ticket. Ticket registration is handled via Stripe by JDI bv, our communication partner.